RNAlien is available as a commandline tool, for testing or construction of few sequences the webservice can be used.

The source code of RNAlien, as well as the webserver is open source and available via GitHub and Hackage (License GPL-3):

TaxonomyTools which can be used to visualise the organisms included in a RNAlien result can be found here (License GPL-3):

For instruction how to use RNAlien please see the Help page.


Installation via bioconda (recommended)

RNAlien can be installed with all dependencies via conda. Once you have cabal installed simply type:

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge rnalien

Installation via cabal-install

RNAlien is implemented in Haskell and can be installed via the Haskell package distribution sytem cabal. Once you have cabal installed simply type:

cabal install RNAlien

Installation via Stackage

RNAlien can also be install via the Haskell package distribution sytem Stackage. Once you have stackage installed simply type:

stack install RNAlien